what not to say while flirting

Having watched literally hundreds of speed dates, I have compiled the most unoriginal, boring, worthless questions I have heard.  They kill conversations.  The following questions should be avoided at all cost, and replaced with the following statements:

“What do you do for fun?”  

Instead try: “You look like an artist to me.   I love anything by Van Gogh.”

“What do you do for work?”

Instead try: “I love what I do for a living.  I am so grateful that I am able to get paid for doing something I am so passionate about.  My favorite about my work is…”

“Do you come here often?”

Instead try: “This is a super exclusive bar, it only lets in the cool kids.  Teach me how you sneaked in, you sneaky pete!”

The lesson here is avoiding situations where she responds with one word answers.   Talk about what YOU are passionate about and involve her in your conversation.

This is an art form and tough for many guys  starting out (engineers in particular:-).  But with practice and hard work anyone can master it.   Hit us up for our one day pickup artist bootcamp today!

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